Ozone oxidation is the most effective water treatment process by far. Ozone is one of the strongest oxidants known. If we look at its oxidation potential, only Fluor is stronger. Ozone oxidation is also the most ecologically sound process as ozone is a natural gas that breaks down into oxygen within a short period of time.
Most common use of ozone is within municipial services, most often for purification of drinking water. Ozone oxidizes metals as well as organic compounds and desinfects water against microorganisms.
Ozone is often used for treatment of wastewater. With its help, unwanted substances like dyes, algae, detergents, phytopharmaceutical products, cyanids, phenols, nitrite, sulphate in complex form and others are removed from water. An additional use of ozone within municipal services is sludge control.
Other applications of ozone are within aquaculture and industry for treatment of industrial water, reuse, air quality and odor control, surface activation in packaging industry, laundry washing, paper bleaching, pool desinfection etc.
Primozone® GM-series
The Primozone® GM-series is a series of high performance ozone generators based on the redefining Primozone ozone technology. An ozone technology that is built around on the unique and patented Primozone aluminum ozone reactor.
The benefits include:
- Highest ozone concentration on the market, up to 20 wt%
- Easy to operate
- Accurate dosing through built-in controller (PLC controlled)
- Highest gas pressure 2.2 bar
- Energy savings of up to 50 %
- Lowest life-cycle cost – low CAPEX and OPEX
- Very compact in size – small footprint
- Maintenance free – made from only stainless steel and aluminum, no tubes, hoses or connections that need replacing
The GM-series offer eight standard size ozone generators and a GM-on demand alternative. The GM-on demand are built-to-fit ozone generators that are based on the Primozone ozone technology and scaled according to customer needs.